江门纺织品皮革和合成革ZDHC认证 皮革OEKO TEX认证
更新:2025-01-30 09:00 编号:12320358 发布IP: 浏览:93次- 发布企业
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江门纺织品皮革和合成革ZDHC认证 皮革OEKO TEX认证
At the startof the year, OEKO-TEX updated their existing guidelines as well asthe valid test criteria and limit values for their certificationsand services – in line with consistent consumer protection and thesustainability of textiles and leather products.
Following atransition period, all new regulations will come into effect on 01April 2020. An overview of the most important changes is givenbelow.
1、MADE INGREEN by OEKO-TEX now includes leather products
MADE INGREEN by OEKO-TEX 标签现在同样适用于皮革产品
After theintroduction of the MADE IN GREEN label for textiles in 2015,beginning January 2020 it will also be possible to award thesustainability label to leather products. In 2019, STePcertification was expanded to include leather productionfacilities.
OEKO-TEX nowgoes one step further with the integration of leather products withthe MADE IN GREEN label. Leather articles labelled with MADE INGREEN have been tested for harmful substances in accordance withthe LEATHER STANDARD and have been produced in environmentallyfriendly facilities in socially acceptable workplaces in accordancewith STeP.
在将皮革产品与MADEIN GREEN标签整合在一起的道路上,OEKO-TEX又向前迈进了一步。贴有MADE INGREEN标签的皮革制品都已根据LEATHERSTANDARD标准进行了有害物质检测,并且是在按照STeP标准认证过的对环境友好的工艺且具有社会责任的工厂中生产。
This ensuresthat consumers can also track leather goods such as clothing, shoesor furniture using a unique product ID or the specific QR code onthe label to learn which countries and production facilities thearticle was produced in.
To monitorcompliance of the required criteria on site in the productionfacilities, OEKO-TEX also conducts checks of production facilitieswith trained auditors. MADE IN GREEN has already been classified byGreenpeace as one of the most stringent labels on themarket.
OEKO-TEX还通过训练有素的审核员对生产工艺进行审核,以便检查生产工艺是否符合所要求的标准。MADEIN GREEN已被绿色和平组织列为市场上严格的标签之一。
2、Newadditions to the limit value catalogues 限量值目录的新增内容
After oneyear of observation, the carcinogenic N-nitrosamines andN-nitrosables substances have been included in the STANDARD 100 andthe LEATHER STANDARD.
通过一年的监测,致癌性亚硝胺和亚硝基物质已经被正式加入STANDARD100和LEATHER STANDARD限量值清单。
Followingone year of observation, the herbicide glyphosate and its saltshave also been included in the limit value catalogue for theSTANDARD 100.
Specificlimit values for the total content of the toxic heavy metalsarsenic and mercury have also been defined in the STANDARD 100 andLEATHER STANDARD.
新版的STANDARD100和LEATHER STANDARD还对有毒重金属砷和汞的特定限量值做了具体的限定。
Thestringent requirements for residues in textile materials will leadto an overall lower impact on the environment, workers andconsumers.
3、Newsubstances under observation 新的受监测物质
In 2020,OEKO-TEX will observe various new substances based on the latestscientific findings and conformity with precisespecifications.
Thisprimarily concerns some substances newly classified as SVHC, which,according to the REACH regulation for the protection of humanhealth and the environment, have been identified as havingparticularly hazardous characteristics, as well as substances fromthe group of arylamines.
However,various dyes, pesticides and perfluorinated compounds will also beexamined carefully in the future.
4、Integration of DETOX TO ZERO in STePby OEKO-TEX
Safehandling of chemicals and wastewater testing in productionfacilities have long been important parts of STePcertification.
To managethe increasingly complex demands in textile and leather production,beginning 01 April 2020, DETOX TO ZERO will be an obligatoryelement for STeP-certified facilities using large quantities ofwater and chemicals (wet plants).
A positiveaspect of the new regulation is the future conformity of STeP withthe Manufacturing Restricted Substance List (MRSL), the ZeroDischarge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) (Initiative and thecriteria for the Greenpeace Detox campaign).
A freewebinar with detailed information on the new regulations for 2020for all OEKO-TEX products is available on the website end ofJanuary 2020.The new regulations are available in detail from theDownloads menu item on the OEKO-TEX website.
成立日期 | 2016年04月15日 | ||
法定代表人 | 颜卫华 | ||
注册资本 | 1000 | ||
主营产品 | 生活饮用水检测 污水检测 废水检测 木材树种鉴定单位 、固体废料检测 环境污染检测 电力工具年审检测等 | ||
经营范围 | 煤炭检测;建筑材料检验服务;贵金属检测服务;化工产品检测服务;珠宝玉石检测服务;建筑消防设施检测服务;电气机械检测服务;机动车性能检验服务;船舶检验;施工现场质量检测;电子产品检测;电气防火技术检测服务;公共设施安全监测服务;公路与桥梁检测技术服务;软件测试服务;无线通信网络系统性能检测服务;无损检测;环境标志认证;电能质量监测;水质检测服务;卫生除害处理服务;装修质量鉴定;燃气特性检测;燃气用具检测;针织品、纺织品、服装的检测;服饰检测;皮革检测服务;检测咨询等 | ||
公司简介 | 广东广分质检检测有限公司:核心价值观:安全第一,公正廉洁,尊长敬司,创新为魂,应用为重,励精图治。经营服务理念:用心服务,用科学检测技术为客户发现、消除火灾隐患,追求安全与经营效益的双赢,造福社会。企业行为准则:方法科学,诚信经营,坚持原则,为客户提供公正、科学、高效的优质服务。员工行为准则:诚实守信,尊长敬业;笑看得失,莫议人非;爱岗敬业,和合处世;技术精湛,服务至上;遵章守法,勇担责任。公司积 ... |
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